RAC Exchange | Rent-A-Center
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¿Qué es el Intercambio de RAC?**

Es la emoción de siempre obtener algo diferente sin perder lo que ya has pagado en alquiler.

Como Funciona

Dentro de los primeros seis meses de tu alquiler, puedes cambiar tus artículos por algo diferente.
Después de configurar una cuenta en MyAccount, los clientes existentes pueden ver el valor de intercambio de su artículo seleccionando "Más" junto a cada contrato.
Visita o llama a tu tienda RAC y elige cualquier otro artículo disponible en nuestro surtido (sujeto a aprobación; la cuenta debe estar al día y el producto en buen estado).
Iremos a recoger tu artículo actual y te entregaremos el artículo de intercambio.
El alquiler que has pagado hasta la fecha se aplicará al costo total de propiedad del nuevo artículo. Si cuesta menos, ¡podrías ser dueño de él más rápido!
You can exchange as many items as you'd like within the first six months of every new agreement.

Para ver lo que está disponible para intercambio, contacta la tienda RAC donde alquilaste o obtén una preaprobación y comienza tu pedido en línea.

RAC Exchange FAQs

During the first 6 months of your agreement when your agreement is in good standing with rental payments current. If you are past 6 months you are well on your way to ownership. You can take advantage of early purchase options. Or see more in FAQ's below for Lifetime Reinstatement information and options.
New and previously rented product at your local RAC store or an item that your store can otherwise obtain. Cash price or rental rate of products may not exceed approval amount on the day of the exchange, and may require submission of a new application for approval.
100% of the rental payments made in the first 6 months of your agreement will be applied to reduce the total cost of ownership for the next agreement (excluding taxes and fees). If you exchange multiple times, only the rental payments received for your most recent agreement will be applied to the new one.
Work with your local store Mon-Sat 10:00 am – 6:00 pm. If you don’t have them saved in your Favorites (kidding), look it up here.
Yes, your rental payments will be adjusted to the rate of the next item you rent. Your store will be able to provide more details.
Your same as cash period will be based on the item selected and restart with your new agreement, providing an opportunity to pay the lowest price possible to acquire ownership.
No, but you still have options. First, you may exercise an early purchase option to receive a discount off the total remaining payments required to acquire ownership. Second, if you need to take a break from renting, you can return your merchandise (with no penalty), then come back later and use your Lifetime Reinstatement. Lifetime Reinstatement gives you a Comeback Coupon voucher that works 3 ways with a valid new application (1) pick up where you left off on the same item 2) switch & save and get 3 months off the original term of any previously rented item 3) share your reinstatement voucher with a friend who has applied and been approved, and they can then pick #1 or #2.
You can, every agreement is available for RAC Exchange within the first 6 months. Each time you make an exchange you will enter into a new agreement. Your approval amount is subject to validation prior to each exchange, and only the rental payments received for your most recent agreement will be applied to the new one.