Rental LED & LCD TVs in High Definition and Ultra High Definition
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TV Lingo in the World of HDTVs, LED TVs, and LCD TVs

You may notice that there's a lot of lingo when it comes to today's televisions. High definition TVs are called HDTVs; ultra-high definition TVs are called UHDTVs; and then retailers toss in terms like LED TVs and LCD TVs. You're probably saying, 'S-O-S, ASAP!' To help you make sense of the lingo, here are some of the basics you should know as you search for the perfect TV.
  • High definition and ultra-high definition refer to the TV's picture resolution. HDTVs and UHDTVs have a greater picture resolution (also known as picture quality) than standard TVs.
  • LED stands for light emitting diode and LCD stands for liquid crystal display.
  • The differences between the two TVs come down to the device's backlight source.
  • LED TVs are backlighted by light emitting diodes rather than fluorescent lights, which is what LCD TVs use. LED TVs produce higher picture and color quality than LCDs.
Does this provide a clearer picture of TV-related lingo? If you'd like additional information about any of Rent-A-Center's rental TVs, please don't hesitate to ask one of our informed customer service associates. SOURCE: This PC Mag page.

Thin Is In

It wasn't too many years ago when TVs were big and boxy. Today, modern electronics are rail thin, light, and robust. Rent-A-Center's lineup of lease-to-own LED TVs and LCD TVs offer cinematic-quality audio and video, smart technologies, and streaming capabilities. These flat TVs bring you the best in power, picture resolution, and communications. Some of the features you'll enjoy with a rent-to-own TV include:
  • Thin as a Whistle: We've got the best in razor thin flat screen TVs
  • Big and Bigger: RAC has HDTVs in a range of screen sizes, from 24 inches to 70 inches
  • Apps Galore: Smart TVs come with preloaded apps for entertainment, gaming, and more
Smaller rental HDTVs, such as the 24-inch and 30-inch models are ideal for small spaces, like guest rooms, dorm rooms, or kitchens. Larger screen sizes, such as our 55-inch, 60-inch, and 70-inch TVs, work perfectly in areas where many people will be watching, like the living room or game room. Let the entertainment begin.

TV Icons

These brand names are as popular as anyone famous you'd watch on TV: LG, Vizio, RCA, Samsung, Toshiba, and Magnavox. At Rent-A-Center, you'll find LED TVs and LCD TVs by the most respected names in electronics. With RAC's Worry-Free Guarantee, delivery, setup, and service are always included in your rental agreement**. There's no down payment, no credit needed, and no reason why you can't start shopping for your new TV today. Visit the Rent-A-Center location near you to check out virtually any inch TVs you could need. You can even save time by beginning your online application here. At RAC, there's no credit needed for TV purchases.